Saturday, January 24, 2009

a limerick

I'm posting this as a response to my cyber-pal Greeblemonkey, who caused me to ROTFLMAO today by Tweeting about her young son and a story he told her. Here's her Tweet from earlier:

"Dex made for a day of insane behavior by just starting a story with 'There once was a ducky named Fucky...'"

I found it so amusing I decided to finish the story and turn it into a limerick in D's honor. :)

The Ducky Fucky
by Xtian and Lil' Froggy

There once was a ducky named Fucky
Whose fate was decidedly unlucky
For 'tween this and that,
He'd gotten quite fat!
Ended up as a feast in Kentucky.

Now keep in mind, I wrote that one for D's ears. I'm sure us grownups could take it into far more amusing territory once he's out of earshot. :) Check out Greeblemonkey's tres cool blog; she's an amazing shutterbug.